March 28, 2024,

Community Update #1

March 2024 – Preparing concept designs for consultation

Welcome to the first update on what’s happening at the site of the Berrima Gaol.

The new owners of the Berrima Gaol site, the Blue Sox Group, purchased the former gaol site by public tender in 2022, with a vision to re-create the site as a lively, vibrant multi-purpose venue for the Southern Highlands and Berrima communities to enjoy over the next phase of the gaol’s life.

The project team is currently working on concept plans to present to the community in order to gauge preliminary feedback. The Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) has been issued by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. This outlines all the conditions that will be required for the submission of any future development to be lodged.

Conditions stipulated in the SEARs and the preparation of an Environmental Impact assessment are part of a long and thorough processes in the development of plans and formal applications to be lodged with the NSW Government.

The next step will be developing concept designs for public consultation.

We are working with heritage experts, engineers, planning and environmental experts to ensure all matters affecting the site are addressed before we put forward any proposed concept schemes.

While we are some way from formal development submission, we hope to have preliminary concept designs available for consultation soon, and look forward to sharing these with the Southern Highlands and Berrima communities over the coming months. Please stay tuned for details.

Your say – Australia Day Survey feedback

Thank you to those who participated in the Australia Day Survey. The Wingecarribee Shire Council estimated 5,000 people attended the Australia Day celebrations and the Berrima Gaol Open Day. We received 40 responses to the community survey, and while it was still early days for any formal consultation to begin, it was great to hear from those who shared their thoughts.

Of those who participated, 73% supported the concept of re-purposing and re-energising the site for a new use while preserving the heritage aspects of the site. No one was opposed but 5% were unsure with further information requested. When asked about what their priorities for development, 92% stated architectural heritage, 68% selected environmental sustainability.

Other issues of importance to those who responded included additional tourism to Berrima, and considerations for local residents (parking, construction activity). Note the sample size was small and the survey was designed to seek people’s interest in the site and any early feedback prior to commencing formal consultation.

We will be seeking more formal feedback when we have concepts available for comment, and will soon be publishing a new website and community engagement hub.

The Community Engagement team, on behalf of the Blue Sox Group